Micro Raman Spectroscopy

Micro Raman DRX

Micro Raman DRX

Thermo Fisher DRX
Raman spectroscopy is a non –  destructive technique based on the interaction between radiation and the examined material molecules. The radiation is released by a laser beam that is focused on the sample through the microscope and produces two different phenomenon: light absorption and spread through molecules. Through vibrations frequencies measurement, a Raman spectrum unique and typical for each and every kind of molecule is obtained. Besides the gems identification, the irradiated, synthetic, and treated at high temperatures diamonds recognition, the Raman techniques enables to carefully identify inclusions (both solid and liquid) inside gems, fosters the distinction between natural and synthetic material and provides information about the origin geographic area.






Dewar XT10

Dewar XT10

Thaylor Wharton XT10
During the Raman and UV – VIS – NIR spectrometric analysis, the cryogenic container is used every day  for the diamonds cooling with liquid azote.